In 2013, we not only saw updates to two of the most significant Google algorithms — Panda and Penguin — but also the release of Hummingbird, all of which affect SEO efforts to a great extent. The following tips will help you to stay up to date with the latest algorithms and plan your strategy for potential SEO changes in the future.1. Avoid Shortcuts
Pretty much all of the advice written in the past few years for improving SEO in the wake of Google’s Panda (2011), Penguin (2012) and Hummingbird (2013) algorithm updates still applies, but is perhaps even more relevant in 2014. Since the introduction of Panda and Penguin especially, businesses who have tried to cheat their way to the top have been penalized with a lower position on search engine rankings and, with the further improvements to these two algorithms, websites use spammy content can expect an even more severe penalty.
2. Improve Your Content Marketing
Content marketing has moved from being merely useful to of central importance to SEO strategies this year. Google’s algorithm changes continue to shift the focus from keywords to subjects - from trying to understand the keywords that might reflect the subject of a search query to trying to gain a semantic understanding of the query subject itself. In a way this simplifies things, as it frees up more time to create content your audience finds relevant and useful.
Read more at 2013, we not only saw updates to two of the most significant Google algorithms — Panda and Penguin — but also the release of Hummingbird, all of which affect SEO efforts to a great extent. The following tips will help you to stay up to date with the latest algorithms and plan your strategy for potential SEO changes in the future.
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1. Avoid Shortcuts
Pretty much all of the advice written in the past few years for improving SEO in the wake of Google’s Panda (2011), Penguin (2012) and Hummingbird (2013) algorithm updates still applies, but is perhaps even more relevant in 2014. Since the introduction of Panda and Penguin especially, businesses who have tried to cheat their way to the top have been penalized with a lower position on search engine rankings and, with the further improvements to these two algorithms, websites use spammy content can expect an even more severe penalty.
2. Improve Your Content Marketing
Content marketing has moved from being merely useful to of central importance to SEO strategies this year. Google’s algorithm changes continue to shift the focus from keywords to subjects - from trying to understand the keywords that might reflect the subject of a search query to trying to gain a semantic understanding of the query subject itself. In a way this simplifies things, as it frees up more time to create content your audience finds relevant and useful.
In general, Google and other search engines are now favoring websites that can show a robust content marketing effort, determined by factors which include publishing regular and helpful content targeted at a specific audience, frequent sharing and engagement on a range of social networks, and ranking authority, which is associated with the number of quality back links.
Showing your commitment to social media is particularly important, which you can achieve by creating a strong profile, ensuring your content is sharable, and taking an active role on social networks that are important to your industry and customers.
3. Keep an Eye Out for Algorithm Changes
Hummingbird is just the first of what could be several algorithm changes as the search giant attempts to respond to the rapid shift toward mobile devices. This means that mobile performance will have an even greater impact on SEO rankings.
In order to be successful, you need to pay attention to everything from how you design and structure your content to what content you release. If you are not doing so already, you need to develop a mobile-optimized website and/or take a mobile-first approach to website redesign.
4. Give Up Guest Blogging
In recent years, guest blogging has become increasingly popular for its usefulness in gaining inbound links and targeted traffic. However, in Google’s new content-focused search paradigm, it is falling out of favor, and quickly. The main culprit? Too many spammy guest bloggers. Don’t believe me? Feel free to read it from the horse’s mouth, who in this case is Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam Team (and unofficial oracle of Google SEO best practices):
So stick a fork in it: guest blogging is done; it’s just gotten too spammy. In general I wouldn’t recommend accepting a guest blog post unless you are willing to vouch for someone personally or know them well. Likewise, I wouldn’t recommend relying on guest posting, guest blogging sites, or guest blogging SEO as a linkbuilding strategy.
Guest blogging, no bueno…
Boasting over two-thirds (67.5%, to be exact) of all internet search traffic, Google continues to reign supreme in the world of search. Follow these four tips, and you should be able to stay on the tech giant’s good side.
2013, we not only saw updates to two of the most significant Google
algorithms — Panda and Penguin — but also the release of Hummingbird,
all of which affect SEO efforts to a great extent. The following tips
will help you to stay up to date with the latest algorithms and plan
your strategy for potential SEO changes in the future.
1. Avoid Shortcuts Pretty much all of the advice written in the past few years for improving SEO in the wake of Google’s Panda (2011), Penguin (2012) and Hummingbird (2013) algorithm updates still applies, but is perhaps even more relevant in 2014. Since the introduction of Panda and Penguin especially, businesses who have tried to cheat their way to the top have been penalized with a lower position on search engine rankings and, with the further improvements to these two algorithms, websites use spammy content can expect an even more severe penalty.
2. Improve Your Content Marketing
Content marketing has moved from being merely useful to of central importance to SEO strategies this year. Google’s algorithm changes continue to shift the focus from keywords to subjects - from trying to understand the keywords that might reflect the subject of a search query to trying to gain a semantic understanding of the query subject itself. In a way this simplifies things, as it frees up more time to create content your audience finds relevant and useful.
2013, we not only saw updates to two of the most significant Google
algorithms — Panda and Penguin — but also the release of Hummingbird,
all of which affect SEO efforts to a great extent. The following tips
will help you to stay up to date with the latest algorithms and plan
your strategy for potential SEO changes in the future.
1. Avoid Shortcuts Pretty much all of the advice written in the past few years for improving SEO in the wake of Google’s Panda (2011), Penguin (2012) and Hummingbird (2013) algorithm updates still applies, but is perhaps even more relevant in 2014. Since the introduction of Panda and Penguin especially, businesses who have tried to cheat their way to the top have been penalized with a lower position on search engine rankings and, with the further improvements to these two algorithms, websites use spammy content can expect an even more severe penalty.
2. Improve Your Content Marketing
Content marketing has moved from being merely useful to of central importance to SEO strategies this year. Google’s algorithm changes continue to shift the focus from keywords to subjects - from trying to understand the keywords that might reflect the subject of a search query to trying to gain a semantic understanding of the query subject itself. In a way this simplifies things, as it frees up more time to create content your audience finds relevant and useful.