Thursday, January 24, 2013

A look at the scoreboard: 2012's SEO wins and fails

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2012 was a big year for the Internet. The baby boomer demographic hopped onboard, the Pope joined Twitter, and Facebook became the most valuable company to ever go public. The Internet became the new venue for almost all interaction. Letters were replaced by emails, shopping became clicking delivered to the door, and hours of commute– not to mention hundreds of dollars in fares– were saved by working in the comfort of one’s pajamas.

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The migration of offline activities to online counterparts inspired a multitude of other services. An Internet “win,” search engines became a vital utility, organizing myriad content into digestible lists, and corporate “search marketing” became the new PR. It seemed easy enough to engage in web communication campaigns, what with the nearly negligible cost of cyberspace compared to the thousands of dollars spent on print and major media advertising. In the rush to engage consumers online, it seems most companies did not foresee search methodology changing. Google, the main source of site traffic for many online businesses, made adjustments to its search procedures. In changing the way websites were ranked, Google affected business visibility and rendered much of the marketing content irrelevant. Where online marketers and content “spinners” thought they had won, they had actually begun to fail.

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Approaching a more cautious 2013, Internet marketers now steer away from old tricks. Content is more genuine and reliable, written with original thought and rid of strategically placed keywords. Perhaps, in light of this change, the true win is clean content: informative and self-governing– consistent with the first intentions of the Internet.

Search engine optimization is a necessary tool in ensuring website visibility. SEOP ranks among top SEO companies and service providers. See this website for its updates.

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