Monday, September 17, 2012

Mobile and traditional SEO: SEOP lists their differences

The advent of wireless Internet connection makes it possible for people to access the Web even when they’re away from their computers. According to SEOP, a search engine optimization services provider, this presents a huge opportunity for businesses to reach more people and drive traffic to their brand by creating a mobile Web counterpart to their websites – and this mobile website must be well optimized for search engines.

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In developing a mobile website, site owners and SEO practitioners must be aware of the differences between mobile and traditional SEO:

Search behavior. People’s search behaviors change when they shift from using their computer to using their smartphones and tablets. The main reason behind this is the size of the device used for mobile surfing – people look for more convenient ways of conducting their online search. SEOP states that instead of going to to type in their search terms, mobile surfers (1) use Google, Bing, or Yahoo’s search apps, (2) use visual search engines like Google Goggles and Yahoo Axis, and (3) speak directly to the device for Google Voice or Siri to do their searches.

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Search algorithms and indexing. Search engines, such as Google, have set different search algorithms for indexing and evaluating both desktop and mobile websites – Googlebot for the former and Googlebot-Mobile for the latter. Websites that are meant for desktop browsing may not properly render when accessed through a smartphone, so Googlebot-Mobile may not be able to index it, making the website rank low in the SERPs. This highlights the significance of creating a mobile site that’s fully optimized for the mobile interface.

User experience requirements. The smaller screens of smartphones and tablets limit how people navigate through a mobile site. To enrich user experience, SEOP recommends adding buttons and links that are thumbable, and having on-site elements available so the mobile surfer no longer has to scroll down. By structuring the site’s interface and navigation for easy mobile surfing, large bounce rates and low search rankings can be avoided.

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SEOP can help your company’s website rank high in the SERPs. Visit for more information.

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